Young Writers Initiative


Young Writers Initiative

Amori street Behind Dbig Sea plaza, Mosogar, Delta State.
Creative can safe the world
Warri Delta
Nigeria - 33011

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Monday 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Sunday Closed



By Adekeye Oluwasegun Lukman | Wed, 03-Aug-2022, 15:52

Mine fell on her bed wearily wearing a tired face. She dropped her arms by her side and remain immobile for a long time. She stared at her shoe she was wearing, removing it with her mind, but could not get herself to unlaced it. Like a cat eyes shining in a dark room, her white shoes glitter in the darkness as it stared energetically back at her. Her mind traveled from one place to another and from one thing to another. "The whites had done literarily everything, yet they couldn't provide total solution to man's problem," she thought. She had wondered why the white could not produce a device that could unlace a shoe and remove it from someone's leg or a device, a machine that could undress or dress someone. She raised her head gently in despair as though she wanted to take an action, but returned her head to the formal position and stared hard at the shoe. Weary Mine noticed no one was around for the first time since she entered the room. "Where is everyone?" She asked.
The room had looked strangely dark and empty. Maybe because electricity rarely seized at that hour in the school hostel. From eight till eleven prompt, they usually put on the school generator for the hostellers if there was an electricity power failure in the school. This had become part of them which make them expect nothing less. Meeting darkness at the hostel at that hour was a strange thing to her. Another problem to her was the absence of her roommates in the room. She was a bit scared at some point, but braced her courage by believing they had gone out for an important but urgent and cogent reason.
Until now, she had never noticed a figure on a bed directly opposite hers on the last floor of the bunk. She looked around wondering, her eyes caught the sight of this figure staring at her. She startled up. She was evidently shaking. She had been in the school sleeping in the dark since, but never felt anything like fear; after all, the darkness did not pass beyond the physical. But now, she could see the danger in the darkness. She stared hard at the figure as the figure glared at her. It was scary. She wanted to scream, but she felt her voice deserting her throat. No sound could be made no matter how hard she tried. This must be an evil spirit weighing down her spirit. She picked some verses from the holy bible and recited them simultaneously with her mind. The glaring figure persist in the game and vow never to lose. Mine was already sweating.
She was tired, she picked her frail hand and ran it through the bed, searching for her phone. She could not get to move herself to do something tangible or meaningful. Now, she was looking for a phone, at least to call someone who could help. Maybe Victory would be of help. It's never occurred to her to call people who were closer to her. A sound was heard from the sealing, it was a scary one.
She had watch many horror movies which she enjoyed watching though sometimes gave her some nightmare. Well, the nightmare wouldn't stop her from her favorite movie. But now, she was not thinking about the movie or the nightmares, but seeing herself as one of the characters in those movies. She wondered if she would be one of those bright and intelligent ones who normally escaped the death or those who fall victim of those horrible scenes. She danced to an unknown rhythm, to an invisible drum, uncontrollably, shaking vigorously on her bed. Her voice was useless, it had betrayed her the time she needed it the most. 
She couldn't find the phone on the bed, so she ruminated on where she had kept the phone. She remembered the phone was inside her hand bag. She looked down at the white small bag on the floor from the second coach of the bunk. Her bag smiled at her from darkness, she couldn't smile back at it. She was already almost at tears. She looked away with despair. 
She dragged herself to a corner on the bed and squished herself as if hiding from a dangerous animal. The door cracked, slightly open, but no one enter. The cracking of the door ignited more fear in her. She wish she could call on someone to help. She wished someone could come to her aid, but no one was in view. She sat there, rootless. Suddenly, the electricity power was restored. The darkness vanished into the thin air and safety was a bit reassure to her. Three of her roommates entered through the opening. She jumped down and rushed to them. It was surprising. She had never being like that before.
"What's the matter?" Asked Janet.
Though she haven't say a thing but the look on her face answered the question. She wringed her body and coiled round Janet's neck.
"Where have you guys being?" Asked Mine.
"Sorry, we went to get the fuel. Remember it's our turn to buy the fuel. We would have gotten the fuel since the afternoon but we thought the NEPA would supply us with electricity tonight. It's dawn on us that the NEPA wouldn't give us what we hope for about an hour ago, so we went out to get the fuel." Said Janet.
"I was worried, i was scared. I came back tired just to meet with another unpalatable experience. The room was too dark for me and there was no one in here to keep me company. The most scariest thing was that of the figure on your bed (facing Janet)..." Her mind went to the figure that had been glaring at her. She rushed back to the bed just to see a dull lying motionlessly on Janet's bed. "What's this?" She asked.
"Oh, that's Beauty. Gabriel bought it for me today."
Mine looked at the human_like dull lying motionlessly on the bed with her eyes wide opened. The dull was as tall as a nine years ears old baby girl.
"And you, what makes you late. You said you would be back before six. Victory came asking after you. We told him you were at the department."
"Well, I'm sorry about that. I slept off where i was reading. It was Victory who came to my rescue."
"He came to the school?"
"Yes he came, searching for me all around for over an hour."
"You mean he came to school after leaving the hostel? Wow, that emotion was strong. How i wish." Said Janet.
"What else are you wishing for? Someone just got someone an artificial twin sister." They all laughed.
" Shoot me! That doesn't prove love."
"If that doesn't then what does?" Asked Faith.
They all chatted for a while before every one of them went to bed. Mine retreated to her bed thinking about her day.


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